Libreoffice calc excel
Libreoffice calc excel

libreoffice calc excel

Set Rectangle = (RectArray)įollowing the I'm trying to do the opposite of the above code, developed in Autocad VBA, and perfectly working. 'Set AutocadDoc = AutocadApp.ActiveDocument RectArray(7) = obL_Sheet.getCellRangeByName("C7").Value RectArray(5) = obL_Sheet.getCellRangeByName("C7").Value RectArray(4) = obL_Sheet.getCellRangeByName("C6").Value RectArray(2) = obL_Sheet.getCellRangeByName("C6").Value '****** Use below Code for open a specific Calc Sheet ****** 'Set obL_Calc_Document = obL_Desktop.loadComponentFromURL(srL_Url, "_blank", 0, a1L_Arguments)

libreoffice calc excel

'****** Use below Code for a New empty Calc Sheet ****** '****** Create link with OpenOffice Calc application and open a specific Calc sheet containing the rectangle coordinates**** 'Set AutocadApp = CreateObject("Autocad.application") ' Set AutocadApp = GetObject(, "Autocad.application") '****** Launch Autocad application**** NO NECESSARY ALREADY INSIDE AUTOCAD Let me know, including the address where to delivery the invoice (I'm joking, of course). ObL_Sheet.getCellByPosition(Row, Col).Value The trick for reading cell value it's inside: SrL_Url = "file:///C:\Users\IO\Desktop\MyRect.ods" Of course the path and file name could be changed here: I created a Calc file Named MyRect.ods (See zip file attached) and put into cells C6 and C7 some value 100 and 200 for example. Again as previously indicated the code has been developed inside Autocad VBA development ambient, because I know better such area, and in my opinion should be better. Type: .WrappedTargetRuntimeException Message: unexpected exception in IUnknownWrapper::invoke ! Message : : Set AutocadDoc = AutocadApp.ActiveDocument Set AutocadApp = CreateObject("Autocad.application") Set AutocadApp = GetObject(, "Autocad.application")

libreoffice calc excel

are you writing in Base and UNO? if yes, could help me to translate this code to Base + UNO, please? I need both, write in Calc since AutoCAD, and draw a line since Calc to AutoCAD, this help a bit. GetLastUsedColumn = obL_įunction GetLastUsedRow(obL_Sheet) As Long ObL_Sheet.getCellRangeByName("A1").String = "PAPERINO"įunction GetLastUsedColumn(obL_Sheet) As Long LnL_iLast_Row = GetLastUsedRow(obL_Sheet) LnL_iLast_Column = GetLastUsedColumn(obL_Sheet) Set obL_Calc_Document = obL_Desktop.loadComponentFromURL(srL_Url, "_blank", 0, a1L_Arguments) Set obL_Desktop = obL_Service_Manager.createInstance(".Desktop") Set obL_Core_Reflection = obL_Service_Manager.createInstance(".CoreReflection") Set obL_Service_Manager = CreateObject("") I don't know if this can help you, but below VBA code written inside Autocad VBA development area. Hi a lot of test and investigation I found the way to open a new empty Calc Spreadsheet and write on it in a specific cell address.

Libreoffice calc excel